European Junior Olympiad in Informatics (EJOI)
- Preamble
- Participants
- Committees, Office Bearers and Duties
- Host Nomination and Selection
- Responsibilities of Present Host
- Competition, Judging and Awards
- Revision of the Regulations
Approved by GA, EJOI 2023
- General Assembly – GA
- International Committee – IC
- International Scientific Committee - ISC
- International Technical Committee - ITC
1. Preamble
1.1. The European Junior Olympiad in Informatics (EJOI) is an annual international informatics competition for individual contestants from various invited Council of Europe countries, accompanied by social and cultural programmes.
1.2. The EJOI is governed by these Regulations.
1.3. The EJOI should, if possible, is held once per calendar year by Host Country.
1.4. EJOI aims at motivating junior school students of Council of Europe to: get more interested in informatics and information technology in general, test and prove their competence in solving problems with the help of computers, exchange knowledge and experience with other students of similar interest and qualification, establish personal contacts with young people of the Council of Europe. In addition, EJOI promotes the early preparation of students in informatics, new approaches and concepts in their education at and out of school.
1.5. EJOI is governed by a General Assembly (GA), see 3.1 , which works during the Olympiad. During the rest of the time, EJOI is managed by an International Committee(IC), see 3.2, headed by the President of EJOI. See 3.2.6
1.6. The official working language of the EJOI is English.
1.7. Revisions of the Regulations are prepared and proposed by the International Committee (IC), see 3.2. A vote on a revision of the Regulations is taken by the countries in the General Assembly (GA), see 3.1. A revision to the Regulations must be approved by a two-third majority of votes cast.
2. Participants
2.1. For the EJOI, participants can be all the Council of Europe countries, all the countries that officially participated before and all countries approved by GA. In all cases, the country has to either be Council of Europe country or to have territory in Europe.
2.2. Each participating Country is represented by a National Delegation; all members of a National Delegation represent no more than one Country. A National Delegation is headed by a Delegation Leader, includes a team of one to four Contestants and, if there is more than one Contestant, may include a Deputy Leader.
2.3. The Deputy Leader can act as a replacement for the Delegation Leader in all situations and may assist their Delegation Leader in all their duties.
2.4. A Contestant is a student who
- was enrolled in a school at a level not higher than secondary education, in the Country they are representing, in the year of the EJOI. Students who are studying abroad may represent the Country of their nationality. Exceptions may be requested through the IC.
- was born after 31st of December year of n-16 (where n is the year of EJOI)
2.5. Team leaders and deputy team leaders are responsible for the conduct of their contestants. The team leaders and deputy team leaders are acting in loco parentis for their contestants except where the Host Country has been informed in writing that a guest has been nominated to act in loco parentis.
2.6. Team leaders and deputy team leaders must ensure that their contestants know and fully understand the Competition Rules which have binding force.
2.7. The Host Organisation may invite additional attendees, such as local committee members, the press, and guides.
2.8. Each invited country wishing to participate in an EJOI must confirm its participation in the way and by the date specified in the invitation. National Delegations and their travel details must be registered by dates specified by the Host Organisation.
2.9. The participants of an EJOI are the members of the International Committee (IC), International Scientific Committee (ISC), International Technical Committee (ITC), and the members of the Host Country, and the members of the National Delegations.
3. Committees, Office Bearers and Duties
3.1. General Assembly (GA)
3.1.1. The General Assembly is a temporary, short-term committee during EJOI, which is composed of the Delegation Leaders and the Deputy Leaders of all Participating Countries.
3.1.2. The GA must hold at least six meetings at EJOI, including:
- Before the first Competition period and before Delegation Leaders are segregated from their Contestants, to include the discussion of the Contest Rules, report of the president, nominations of the different bodies;
- Before the first Competition period and after Delegation Leaders are segregated from their Contestants, to include the presentation and translation of the first Competition Tasks;
- After the first Competition period and after Delegation Leaders have had the opportunity for communication with contestants, for matters arising from the first Competition period and evaluation;
- Before the second Competition period and after Delegation Leaders are segregated from their Contestants, to include the presentation and translation of the second Competition Tasks;
- After the second Competition period and after Delegation Leaders have had the opportunity for communication with contestants, to include matters arising from the second Competition period and evaluation, including appeals;
- Before the Awards Ceremony and after all evaluation is complete, to include the confirming of awards.
3.1.3. The GA acts in the general spirit of the Regulations. The GA has the following tasks:
- Take decisions on issues not provided for in the Regulations;
- Make recommendations to the IC;
- Decide on proposals made by the IC;
- Ratify the Registration Fee for EJOI;
- Ratify the Host Nomination and Selection;
- Supervise and participate in the selection of Competition Tasks and confirm the awards;
- Elect individuals to serve on the IC, replacing any retiring elected members;
- Elect individuals to serve on the ISC, replacing any retiring elected members;
- Elect individuals to serve on the ITC, replacing any retiring elected members;
- Approve the budget for the forthcoming year.
3.1.4. The GA meetings should be attended by:
- The President of EJOI;
- The Chairs of GA, EJOI (held in the current year), HSC, ISC and ITC;
- Founders
- Members of the HSC and the Organising Committee;
- Members of the IC, ISC and ITC;
- Invited Observers and Adjuncts to Teams;
- Other people may also attend meetings of the GA with permission of the IC or the Chair of GA.
3.1.5. GA meetings must not be attended by Contestants.
3.1.6. GA meetings are chaired by the Chair of GA. The Chair of GA is an independent individual, who may or may not be part of the GA, selected by the Hosts, has good English communication skills and extensive experience in chairing meetings.
3.1.7. GA procedure:
- GA meetings are chaired by the Chair of GA;
- All meetings must be announced by the Chair or Host Country;
- Members of the GA must be given at least 24 hours notice of meetings, and of any proposals that require voting;
- Agendas and meetings are not limited to those discussed in 3.1.3.;
- At meetings of the GA, the voting procedure is on the basis of one vote for each country that participates through a National Delegation and is present at the meeting;
- Except where explicitly stated, votes require a simple majority;
- Votes whose results would override any Statutes of the Regulations require 2/3 majority to pass;
- A quorum of a 2/3 of the voting members present at EJOI is required. In the absence of a quorum the Chair can call for another meeting in next 24 hours where quorum is whatever it is;
- In voting procedures the Chair does not vote, but the Chair may cast a deciding vote;
- Members of the GA, IC, ISC, ITC and Organizing Committee have the right to address the GA with the permission of the Chair;
- After being ratified by IC, at the first practical opportunity the decisions must be made available on the EJOI web site.
3.2. International Committee (IC)
3.2.1. The International Committee is a long-term standing committee. It consists of 9 voting members, all from different Participating Countries, plus a non-voting Secretary and Treasurer:
- The President of EJOI (elected);
- One Past Host representative of EJOI, held in the past year;
- One Past Host representative of EJOI, held in the year before past;
- One Present Host representative of EJOI, held in the current year;
- One Future or Candidate Host representative of EJOI, held in the next year;
- One Future or Candidate Host representative of EJOI, held in the year after next (non-voting);
- 3 other elected representatives;
- Representative of the founders;
- Secretary (non-voting, assigned by IC);
- Treasurer (non-voting, assigned by IC).
3.2.2. The IC acts in the general spirit of the Regulations. The IC shall have overall responsibility for the management and administration of the affairs of the EJOI, subject to such direction as given in these Regulations and, without limiting the generality of this responsibility, shall have the following powers and duties:
- Make proposals to the GA about changes in the Regulations;
- Elaborate on the recommendations of the GA;
- Make proposals to the GA about Candidate Host nominations and selection;
- Act on behalf of the GA between EJOIs, and to inform the GA about the activities of the IC during this period;
- Accept financial contributions, bequests and gifts, whether in cash or kind, with or without conditions imposed by the contributor, as long as these conditions are not inconsistent with the Regulations;
- Recommend a Registration Fee;
- Approve expenditure and authorise payment by the Treasurer, from such funds as may be available for those purposes, provided reasonable remuneration for services is payable only for services actually rendered to the EJOI. This excludes costs obligated and covered by Host Countries;
- Prepare a budget for the forthcoming year for approval by the GA;
- Nominate up to 3 representatives to meet on site the Organizing Committee for EJOI, held in the current year in the Organizing Committee’s country, approximately six months before EJOI, in order to evaluate EJOI, held in the current year, and examine the organization of current EJOI;
- Act as arbitrator and resolve disputes arising prior to and during the EJOI;
- To do such things as may be required or deemed desirable, in the opinion of the IC, to advance and promote the objectives of the EJOI;
- Make such decisions as may be required in exceptional circumstances, including if EJOI does not take place or take place online/hybrid
3.2.3. Nominations for IC
- Nominated individuals’ names are to be submitted to the IC;
- Nominations must be proposed and seconded, by Countries or individuals;
- Nominations must be accompanied by brief motivation, from the nominators and nominee, of no more than 2000 words;
- The nominee must agree to their nomination;
- IC will call for nominations at the first GA meeting;
- Nominees may make a brief presentation;
- The closing date for nominations is the GA meeting “Before the second Competition period ” (see 3.1.3.).
3.2.4. It is the intention that, at any time, the elected representatives (including the President of EJOI) have 3, 2 and 1 year(s) respectively left to serve. In the event of multiple elected IC representatives retiring, replacement members are elected, as necessary, for reduced periods. The President of EJOI is always elected for a period of 3 years.
- Non-elected (Host) representatives may be replaced by members from the same country.
3.2.5. The IC is obliged to meet during each EJOI and approximately six months prior to each EJOI.
3.2.6. The President of EJOI
- Have a background in Computer Science / Education;
- Have experience in running national or international competitions;
- Be dedicated and committed to the objectives of EJOI;
- Have played an active role in EJOI;
- Have a record of leadership.
3.2.7. The President of EJOI has the following responsibilities:
- Chair the IC;
- Function as an addressee for the EJOI;
- Actively promote the objectives of the EJOI;
- Actively seek and act on the views and opinions of the EJOI community;
- Ensure communication and co-operation within the EJOI community;
- Protect and uphold the regulations of EJOI;
- Prepare proposals for the systematic growth and development of the EJOI and its components;
- Report to the IC and GA on the activities of the President of EJOI;
- Establish links with other international olympiads, and organisations in the information technology field who would benefit from an associate with the EJOI;
- Take executive decisions in the event of an unforeseen crisis.
3.2.8. The President of EJOI may be removed from office by a 2/3 majority vote of the GA, at an official GA meeting (see 3.1.3.).
3.2.9. In the absence of the President of EJOI, the acting President is selected by IC. The election should take place during the closest GA.
3.2.10. Nominations for President of EJOI
- Nominations will be called at least three months prior to the EJOI, and remain open until the GA meeting “Before the second Competition period” (see 3.1.3.), when nominations will be announced;
- Nominations must be proposed and seconded (by Countries or individuals) and the nominee must agree to their nomination;
- Nominees should make a brief presentation;
- The results of the election for President of EJOI should be announced before the votes are taken for IC, ISC or ITC elections;
- Nominees for President of EJOI may run even if they are an elected member of IC, ISC or ITC. Should such a nominee win, they shall retire from their current position and the remainder of their term shall be immediately put up for an election;
- Nominees for President of EJOI may simultaneously run for IC, ISC or ITC. Should such a nominee win, they shall remove their candidacy from the other election.
- The election procedure for President of EJOI follows the procedure outlined for elections.
3.2.11. Election procedure. (Applies to all elective positions)
- The IC must establish a committee of scrutineers of the election. These persons must be approved at the first GA;
- The election will take place at the last GA meeting;
- The committee of scrutineers of the election must prepare ballot papers reflecting the names of all candidates, listed in alphabetical order
- GA should establish what the voting strength is before the ballot papers are distributed by the scrutineers. The number of ballot papers handed out and returned must tally with the number of countries present in the GA at that stage and eligible to vote;
- Voting is secret;
- After the voting, the committee of scrutineers of the election announces the results;
- The election takes effect immediately after it is announced;
- In case it’s not onsite elections - IC decide how to organize the vote.
3.3. The International Scientific Committee
3.3.1. The International Scientific Committee, a long-term standing committee, works with the HSC of each Host Country to ensure continuity and quality control for EJOI competitions. Members of the ISC may not be members of a National Delegation. The ISC consists of five voting members plus one non-voting member all of them computer specialists with a background in Olympiad task creation:
- 1 member is selected by the Past Host Country;
- 1 member is selected by the Current Host Country;
- 1 member is selected by the Next Country;
- 2 members are elected by the GA;
- The Chair of the ITC, who is non-voting.
3.3.2. The elected representatives on the ISC are elected by the GA, for a period of three years. Elected ISC members are individuals and not representatives of specific countries.
3.3.3. The Chair of ISC is elected from and by the committee members. The Chair of ISC reports directly to the IC.
3.3.4. The ISC is obliged to meet during each EJOI and between 2 and 6 months prior to each EJOI.
3.3.5. The selection of the ISC is conducted according to the same rules as the selection of the IC.
3.3.6. The ISC is responsible for:
- Ensuring that an appropriate set of Competition Tasks has been created;
- Overseeing the evaluation procedure;
- Supervising the development of the EJOI based on trends in Computing science and its education;
- Developing and maintaining the EJOI syllabus;
- Arbitrating evaluation disputes between Delegation Leaders and the HSC.
3.3.7. The member from each Host Country should be the Chair of their respective HSC.
3.3.8. The Chair of ISC must be one of the two members elected by the GA.
3.3.9. Details on the syllabus for EJOI must be distributed to the GA during the previous EJOI.
3.4. The International Technical Committee
3.4.1. The International Technical Committee, a long-term standing committee, works with the HSC of each Host Country to ensure continuity and quality control for EJOI competitions. Members of the ITC may not be members of a National Delegation. The ITC consists of five voting members all of them computer specialists with a background in n Olympiad contest systems:
- 1 member is selected by the Past Host Country;
- 1 member is selected by the Curent Host Country;
- 1 member is selected by the Next Country;
- 2 members are elected by the GA.
3.4.2. The elected representatives on the ITC are elected by the GA, for a period of three years. Elected ITC members are individuals and not representatives of specific countries.
3.4.3. The Chair of ITC is elected from and by the committee members. The Chair of ITC reports directly to the ISC.
3.4.4. The ITC is obliged to meet during each EJOI and between 2 and 6 months prior to each EJOI.
3.4.5. The selection of the ITC is conducted according to the same rules as the selection of the IC.
3.4.6. The ITC is responsible for proposals, development and support concerning technical matters. Areas for consideration include:
- Supervising creation and implementation of the grading system and administrative software;
- Operating systems;
- Program development tools, including compilers, editors and debuggers;
- Computer hardware;
- Networks and IT security.
3.4.7. The member from each Host Country should be the Chair of their respective HTC.
3.5. The Organizing Committee for EJOI is the committee appointed by the Current Host, and which acts on its behalf. Members of the Organizing Committee may not be members of a National Delegation.
3.6. The Host Scientific Committee of EJOI is a temporary committee, which is appointed by the Current Host, and is composed of experts in informatics and / or informatics education from the Host Country. The Chair of the HSC is a member of the Organizing Committee. Members of the HSC may not be members of a National Delegation.
3.7. Sessions of GA and Committees
3.7.1. Committee and GA meetings are held in person, online or hybrid, depending on the capabilities of their members and the international situation at the moment.
3.7.2. Meetings are held with a quorum of half + 1 members of the relevant committee or GA, regardless of whether they are present on-site or online.
3.7.3. Decisions are made according to case-by-case voting rules, with all votes having equal value, whether online or on-site.
4. Host Nomination and Selection
4.1. An official representative of a Country that is capable and willing to organise an EJOI in a particular year, must submit a Letter of Intent to IC. IC will acknowledge the Letter of Intent and supply rules applicable to the situation. The Country becomes a Potential Host.
4.2. The IC performs a selection procedure and nominates a single candidate from the Potential Hosts for hosting the EJOI in a specific year. This decision must be ratified by the GA. After ratification, the Secretary will issue a formal written Invitation at which point the Country becomes the Candidate Host for year x.
4.3. A Candidate Host receives the status of Future Host when the Invitation is accepted by the national organisation(s) involved, and confirmed in writing to the President of EJOI. The IC informs the GA at the first GA meeting after this confirmation.
4.4. The Future Host becomes the Current Host in the year in which it hosts the EJOI.
4.5. Written confirmation must be received at least two years before that particular EJOI. It is recommended to be known which Countries will host the EJOI in the coming three years.
5. Responsibilities of Current Host
5.1. The Current Host for EJOI is obliged to organise and implement EJOI in accordance with the Regulations.
5.2. The Present Host is obliged to establish:
- An Organizing Committee that acts on its behalf;
- A Host Scientific Committee;
- A Host Technical Committee.
5.3. The Present Host is obliged to prepare Guidelines for the organisation, a plan suited for the local situation of EJOI, for the production, organisation, timetables and distribution of information about:
- Current Host: organising institute(s), Organizing Committee, secretariat of EJOI (with names and complete addresses);
- Programme: date of EJOI, date and time of the Opening Ceremony, Competitions, GA, Awards and Closing Ceremony, agenda of social & cultural programme;
- Locations: complete addresses of all EJOI location(s), buildings, rooms, maps;
- Facilities: computers for Leaders and Contestants, Internet, photocopier, organisational & technical support, support to and from the EJOI;
- Board & lodging / leisure: bedrooms, meals, mealtimes, facilities for refreshment, sport, medical care and insurance.
- Registration: invitation to participate, newsletters, registration forms and procedures for Participants, deadlines for registration, fees for Adjuncts and Guests, list of names, addresses and bedrooms of Participants;
- Country information: visas, travelling between seaport or airport and EJOI’n location(s), travelling between EJOI’n location(s), public transport, currency, stamps, public telephone, climate, complete address of tourist association, voltage;
- Competition: establishing a Host Scientific Committee, global description and preparation of Competition Tasks and associated judging model, equipment & software, conducting the Competition,technical support, Contest Rules;
- Awards: medals and Honourable Mentions;
- Proceedings: production and distribution;
- Financing (not necessarily public): fees, sponsors, accounting.
5.4. The Current Host is obliged to prepare Contest Rules in English. The Contest Rules contain information about: asking questions, reporting failures, testing data-files, printing, decision using private media (with or without software or data-files), decision about using private printed or written materials, visiting the refreshment rooms, submitting solutions, and so on, during the Competition.
5.5. The Current Host is obliged to organise a meeting of the representative of IC in the Current Host’s Country, approximately six months before EJOI, which will be hosted by the current host.
5.6. The Current Host is obliged to organise meetings of the ISC and the ITC in the Current Host’s Country, between 2 and 6 months before EJOI, which will be hosted by the current host or online.
5.7. The Present Host is obliged to empower the IC to invite to EJOI:
- National Delegations according to 2.1;
- Members of the IC, ISC and ITC;
- Invited Guests;
- Invited Observers from the Future Hosts of next EJOI;
- Additional Participants at the discretion of the Current Host.
5.8. The Present Host is obliged to send information to all invitees, at least four months before EJOI, about
- Schedule and Programme;
- Contest Rules;
- Location;
- Registration.
5.9. The Present Host may have a second team at EJOI.
5.10. The travel costs to and from the location where the IC has its meeting, the ISC meets, the ITC meets, or where EJOI is located, are at the expense of all Participants. Costs for board and lodging during the IC meeting, ISC meeting, ITC meeting, or during EJOI are at the expense of the Current Host for:
- Delegation Leaders, Deputy Leaders and Contestants;
- Invited Observers;
- Invited Participants;
5.11. All other Participants have to pay a reasonable fee which is determinant by the Current Host.
5.12. The Current Host is obliged, by the end of EJOI, to:
- Issue attendance certificates for all Participants;
- Issue awarding certificates for contestants who win medals or Honourable Mentions;
- Produce a full result list containing the final scores of all contestants, as well as a list of all Participants, which are made available to the ISC, along with the data required to generate those scores;
- Hold an Awards Ceremony for the presentation of medals.
5.13. The Current Host is obliged to hold a Closing Ceremony at the end of EJOI. It is expected that this will be combined with the Awards Ceremony.
5.14. The Current Host becomes a Past Host at the end of EJOI.
6. Competition, Judging and Awards
6.1. The Competition will take place during two Competition Days. The two competition days carry equal weight in determining the final result.
6.2. The Current Host should give the Contestants the opportunity to practise on the competition equipment and technical environment, or comparable equipment, prior to the Competition Days.
6.3. The HSC must present Contest Rules and Competition Tasks at appropriate meetings of the GA for approval. The Delegation Leaders may translate the approved Contest Rules and Competition Tasks into their national languages, without giving any additional information. Translations should remain faithful to the original text. All translated tasks must be made available for scrutiny, during the competition days, by all Delegations during EJOI.
6.4. In the Contest Rules, the Current Host also determines the online participation of some or all countries.
6.5. The Contestants are required to solve the Competition Tasks given to them in English, together with any translations and materials permitted by the Contest Rules. There should be no communication or information, other than that permitted by the Contest Rules.
6.6. During the Competition each Contestant must work independently on a desk with an appropriate computer, writing instrument and paper.
6.7. During the Competition, Contestants must obey the Contest Rules.
6.8. The Present Host must ensure that GA members, as well as any other persons who have seen the Competition Tasks (apart from the HSC, ISC and ITC acting officially), do not meet and / or come into any form of contact or communication with Contestants, from the time the Competition Tasks are made known until after the corresponding Competition. GA members and other persons who have seen the Competition Tasks must not discuss these Tasks with people who have not seen them until after the corresponding Competition has begun.
6.9. Delegation Leaders should be available on each Competition Day to translate into English any questions put by the Contestants about the Competition Tasks. The questions are to be answered by the HSC and ISC, and if required the GA, with a phrase (such as YES, NO, or NO COMMENT) from a fixed list specified in the Contest Rules.
6.10. Evaluation is to be carried out during the Competition, or as soon as possible after, in accordance with the Contest Rules.
6.11. If the Delegation Leader does not agree with the evaluation of the tasks or other aspects of the Competition that affect their Contestants’ scores, they should submit an appeal according to the Contest Rules.
6.12. The GA must confirm the scores and the Awards of the Contestants. Award boundaries are allocated by the following rules:
- The score necessary to achieve a gold medal is the largest score such that at least one twelfth of all contestants receive a gold medal;
- The score necessary to achieve a silver medal is the largest score such that at least one quarter of all contestants receive a gold or silver medal;
- The score necessary to achieve a bronze medal is selected according to the following rules:
- The number of medals (including gold and silver) should be at least 50% and at most 60% of all official participants.
- The minimum difference in points between all the people who received a medal and all the people who received no medal should be the maximum.
- If there are more than one equal gaps, the lowest score should be chosen and the number of medals maximised.
- A contestant who does not receive a medal will be awarded an Honourable Mention if, in at least one of the two Competition Days, fewer than half of the contestants have a higher score.
7. Revision of the Regulations
7.1. Revisions of the Regulations are prepared and proposed by the IC and adopted if approved by the GA.
7.2. Adoption of revisions to the Statutes requires a 2/3 majority vote by the GA.
7.3. Revisions to the Regulations, adopted during Current EJOI, become binding at the end of Current EJOI.
7.4. Regulation changes may be implemented more quickly, without the full procedure of 7.3, provided there is IC approval. The GA requires at least one months notification. The GA must ratify these changes in the first GA meeting of EJOI, and if ratified then the changes become binding immediately after this vote.